Moving free from pain

Our treatments

Learn about our treatments

At Optima Osteo, we offer a wide range of services tailored to the unique needs of our clientele. From diagnosis to rehabilitation, our personalised approach ensures that you receive the treatment and support necessary to alleviate pain and return to your best.

Commonly treated conditions

Degenerative disc disease
Trapped nerves
Frozen Shoulder Niel Asher Technique
Cervical injury
Vertebral disc injury
Piriformis syndrome
Migraine and headache
Joint pain
ITB friction syndrome
Patellofemoral pain
surfer shoulder
Rotator cuff injury (shoulders)
Osteoarthritic pain

Over 30 years experience!

Having spent tens of thousands of hours over these years treating patients, we have gained a great deal of experience

About me
Discover my story and experience

I am a UK qualified Osteopath with over 20 years of experience working in London.

I received formal training from the British School of Osteopathy in London, which I completed in 1994.

I hold a certificate in Myofascial Acupuncture from CPDA, backed by the University of Hertfordshire since 2012. 

I am also a level 1 certified Foundation Training instructor (the only one in Spain at this time)

Additionally, I am certified at level 1 by RockDoc as a specialist in Movement and Myofascial Taping.

I am a member of the General Osteopathic Council (GOC) and the Sports Care Association (OSCA).

Contact information

Surf Pentagon, Calle San Juan Evangelista, 182, 35558 Soo, Las Palmas
From Monday to Saturday:
09:00 - 21:00 h.